薛常喜,长春理工大学光学工程学科教授,博士生导师,2011年香港理工大学从事博士后研究工作。主要从事光学设计与衍射光学、光学超精密制造技术及其应用方面的研究工作。现中国光学工程学会先进光学制造青年专家委员会副主任委员,全国光学和光子学标准化技术委员会光学材料和元件分技术委员会委员,中国光学学会光学制造技术专业委员会委员,红外与激光工程等期刊青年编委。现主持国家自然科学基金等国家级、省部级高层次科研项目。在国内外学术刊物发表论文50余篇,多篇论文被spotlight on optics和edtior pick。获吉林省自然科技奖三等奖一项,吉林省自然科学学术成果奖二等奖一项,国防科学技术进步奖三等奖一项,兵器集团科技进步二等奖一项,博士学位论文获吉林省优秀博士学位论文。
张建国,博士,华中科技大学机械科学与工程学院副教授,机械工程学科博士生导师,2014年日本名古屋大学获机械工程博士学位。主要研究方向为难加工材料的超精密加工、椭圆振动金刚石切削和功能微纳结构的超精密微细制造。在国家自然科学基金、工信部制造业高质量发展专项课题、科技部重大专项科技计划课题等项目的资助下,围绕先进光学材料超精密制造技术难题,开展面向难加工光学材料的高性能功能表面椭圆振动辅助、原位激光辅助超精密金刚石切削技术研究,探索难加工材料高精度低损伤等超精密制造领域的前沿科学问题。担任中国光学工程学会第一届先进光学制造青年专家委员会委员、nanotechnology and precision engineering杂志青年编委。近五年来,在precis. eng., j. mater. process. technol.等制造领域知名期刊发表论文56篇,授权发明专利18项。研究成果获得2019年度中日超精密加工国际会议优秀论文、2015年度日本精密工学会研究奖励、2014年度日本机械学会优秀论文、2011年度日本砥粒加工学会优秀论文。“先进红外光学元件超精密制造关键技术与核心装备”获中国商业联合会科学技术奖特等奖(排6)、“基于ai和机理模型的数控机床精密加工智能优化与控制技术”获中国仪器仪表学会科技进步二等奖(排8)、“能场辅助超精密加工技术与关键装备”获科技部首届颠覆性技术创新大赛优胜奖(排2)。2019年入选湖北省海外高层次人才青年项目,2021年入选华中科技大学学术前沿青年团队(研究方向:场辅助超精密制造研究)。
张国庆,1982年出生,博士毕业于香港理工大学超精密加工技术国家重点实验室,副教授/研究员,深圳市海外/专业高层次人才,深圳大学机械工程学科负责人/工训中心副主任,广东省电磁控制与智能机器人重点实验室副主任、深圳市高性能特种制造重点实验室副主任。中国机械工程学会设计分会委员、中国光学工程学会先进光学制造青年专家委员会委员。主要从事超精密加工工艺与装备、机器人与智能装备等领域研究。主持国家自然科学基金重大项目课题(200万)、国家自然科学基金重大仪器项目专项课题(150万)以及青年基金项目各一项,主持参与省市级项目10余项。发表sci/ei收录论文70余篇,其中一作/通讯作sci收录论文40余篇,授权中国发明专利20余项,授权美国发明专利14项;参编springer出版书籍两部;担任sci期刊《shock and vibration》编委兼学术编辑及jmpt、pe、ijms等机械制造类多个学术期刊评审专家,获得中国产学研合作促进奖(个人)及创新成果二等奖(排名第一)。
第一部分 光学超精密车削技术概论
1.1 超精密加工技术概况
1.2 单点金刚石车削工件中心误差辨识
1.3 快/慢刀辅助车削技术
1.4 超精密飞刀切削加工多层次微纳结构
第二部分 难加工材料光学元件的超精密金刚石切削技术介绍
2.1 典型难加工光学材料及其应用
2.2 超声振动金刚石切削技术简介
2.3 超声振动金刚石切削装置的设计
2.4 难加工材料超声振动切削材料去除机理
2.5 光学功能表面超精密制造及其应用
第三部分 超精密切削的特点和加工表面质量影响规律
3.1 超精密切削的特点
3.2 切削参数对加工表面粗糙度的影响
3.3 金刚石刀具晶向和刀刃质量对加工表面粗糙度的影响
3.4 工件材料特性对加工表面粗糙度的影响
薛常喜,长春理工大学光学工程学科教授,博士生导师,2011年香港理工大学从事博士后研究工作。主要从事光学设计与衍射光学、光学超精密制造技术及其应用方面的研究工作。现中国光学工程学会先进光学制造青年专家委员会副主任委员,全国光学和光子学标准化技术委员会光学材料和元件分技术委员会委员,中国光学学会光学制造技术专业委员会委员,红外与激光工程和应用光学期刊青年编委。现主持国家自然科学基金等国家级、省部级高层次科研项目。在国内外学术刊物发表论文50余篇,多篇论文被spotlight on optics和edtior pick。获吉林省自然科技奖三等奖一项,吉林省自然科学学术成果奖二等奖一项,国防科学技术进步奖三等奖一项,兵器集团科技进步二等奖一项,博士学位论文获吉林省优秀博士学位论文。
刘悦,2022年6月毕业于长春理工大学,博士研究生学历,师从薛常喜教授。2022年10月进入长春理工大学仪器科学与技术博士后科研流动站从事博士后研究工作。截止目前,以第一作者或合作作者的身份在optics express、micromachines、applied optics等期刊发表先进光学制造技术方面相关研究型学术论文9篇。其中一篇学术论文被美国光学学会评选为spotlight on optics,每一年度大约只有osa出版论文的1%能得此荣誉。研究成果在优化成型参数、缩短成型周期等方面具有重要意义。
第一部分 光学元件玻璃模压成型技术简介
1.1 光学元件玻璃模压成型技术的研究进展
1.2 光学元件精密模压设备
1.3 可模压的光学玻璃
1.4 非晶光学玻璃的热力学特性
1.5 模芯材料及适合的镀层
第二部分 非球面光学元件玻璃模压成型技术及案例
2.1 预制体设计
2.2 工艺参数初始设计
2.3 有限元仿真分析及工艺参数优化
2.4 精密玻璃模压实验及结果
第三部分 微结构光学元件模压成形技术
第四部分 光学元件玻璃模压成型装备
4.1 红外辐射加热玻璃精密模压成型装备
4.2 桌面级中频感应加热玻璃模压成型装备
4.3 电阻式加热及重力辅助玻璃热压成型装备
4.4 光学玻璃辊对板热压成型装备
宁家明 中国光学工程学会
※topic 1:large optical mirror and telescope technology
the topic is intended to reflect the latest progress in the technology and equipment of large optical mirrors and telescopes, including but not be limited to: scientific objective observation and optical engineering technology, optical optimization design of large lightweight mirrors, advanced optics and structural materials, high-precision and high-stability mirrors and structural support technology, measurement and co
ntrol technology of segmented synthetic aperture optical system, integrated design of large photoelectric instruments, active optics and adaptive optics technology, giant tracking structure and its high-precision stability co
ntrol technology, space and earth co
nsistency technology of telescope, precision assembly technology of large photoelectric instruments, complex optical mirrors and systems test and measurement technology, high performance and intelligent manufacturing technology of large optical mirrors.
xue donglin, changchun institute of optics, fine mechanics and physics, cas
chen,wei-jun,zeiss group
fan bin, institute of optics and electronics, cas
wang yonggang, beijing institute of space mechanics & electricity
program committee:
niu zhenqi, shanghai institute of optics and fine mechanics, cas
wang hu, xi'an institute of optics and precision mechanics, cas
wang wei, fudan university
wang wei, national astronomical observatories, cas
yuan qun, nanjing university of science and technology
zhang junping, nanjing institute of astronomical optics & technology, national astronomical observatories, cas
topic secretary:
li longxiang, changchun institute of optics, fine mechanics and physics, cas
※topic 2:micro-nanostructure optics and manufacturing technologies
this topic intends to reflect the latest progress in micro-nanostructure optics and manufacturing technologies, which will focus on (not limited to): new manufacturing technologies of micro-nanostructure optics and microelectronic integrated devices,high-efficiency sub-wavelength structural manufacturing methods, new mechanisms and methods of super-resolution/super-diffraction manufacturing, new manufacturing technologies of short/ultra-short laser pulses, optical super-resolution additive/subtractive manufacturing technologies and applications, optical performance evaluation methods of micro-nano manufacturing and their matched optical high-precision detection technologies and etc.
gao ping, institute of optoelectronic technology, cas
chen qidai, jilin university
duan huigao, hunan university
saulius juodkazis, swinburne university of technology, australia
xiao shumin, harbin institute of technology, shenzhen
xu ting, nanjing university
program committee:
yue weisheng, institute of optoelectronic technology, cas
xu shaolin, southern university of science and technology
liang yuzhang, dalian university of technology
zou yi, shanghaitech university
tang dongliang, hunan university
topic secretary:
li taibei, institute of optoelectronic technology, cas
※topic 3: ultra-precision machining technology for optical complex surfaces and functional structures
this topic intends to reflect the latest developments in ultra-precision machining technology for optical complex surfaces and functional structures, including but not limited to: ultra-precision turning, milling, grinding, polishing and other processes, laser processing, new micro-nano processing, molding and injection molding, micro-nano imprinting, adding and subtracting material composite technology, multi-energy field auxiliary processing, tool design and manufacturing, machining path planning and optimization, process chain process modeling and simulation, materials removal mechanism, surface full-frequency error analysis and control, machining and testing integration, etc.
kong lingbao, fudan university
guan chaoliang, national university of defense technology
xichun luo, university of strathclyde, uk
wei chaoyang, shanghai institute of optics and fine mechanics, cas
zhang zhiyu, changchun institute of optics, fine mechanics and physics, cas
program committee:
cao zhongchen, tianjin university
hu hao, national university of defense technology
li duo, harbin institute of technology
li jiasheng, institute of mechanical manufacturing technology, chinese academy of engineering physics
xiao huapan, hong kong polytechnic university
yao yongsheng, xi'an institute of optics and precision mechanics, cas
zhang yunfei, institute of mechanical manufacturing technology, caep
zhao zejia, shenzhen university
zhou ping, dalian university of technology
topic secretary:
wang shixiang, fudan university
※topic 4:ultra-precision optical measurement technology and equipment
this topic intends to reflect the latest developments in optical measurement technology and equipment. the focus includes but is not limited to: optical testing and measurement based standards, metrology and online digital calibration, measurement issues in the advanced optical manufacturing process, measurement methods of optical components geometric parameters and physics characteristic, development of key optical devices in optical measurement systems, test and measurement technologies based on optical devices (gratings, optical fibers, etc.), advanced measurement methods in micro-nano manufacturing, macro and micro measurement techniques, precision and ultra-precision machining measurement, precision and modern optical technology and instruments for ultra-precision measurement, data processing methods in optical measurement, new optical testing and measuring principles, new optical measurement instruments and equipment, new instrument theory and design methods, micro-nano testing and measuring methods, extremely small sizes optical measurement methods, vision measurement technology, etc.
yang shuming, xi’an jiaotong university
chen shanyong, national university of defense technology
li wenhao, changchun institute of optics, fine mechanics and physics, cas
lu zhengang, harbin institute of technology
zhao chenyang, harbin institute of technology, shenzhen
program committee:
chen xiuguo, huazhong university of science and technology
hu pengcheng, harbin institute of technology
hu yao, beijing institute of technology
shen hua, nanjing university of science and technology
tan yidong, tsinghua university
wang yun, beijing institute of technology
wu guanhao, tsinghua university
yu yiting, northwestern polytechnical university
zhang xiaodong, tianjin university
wang jian, huazhong university of science and technology
topic secretary:
zhang guofeng, xi'an jiaotong university
※topic 5:high-performance manufacturing technology for short-wavelength optical components
this topic intends to reflect the latest developments high-performance optical system manufacturing technology, including but not limited to: manufacture of ultraviolet, x-ray and other short-wavelength optical components, manufacture of lightweight optical systems, anti-damage manufacturing of high-energy laser components, processing and testing technology of glancing incidence optical components, detection and evaluation technology for ultra - precision optical components, etc.
peng xiaoqiang, national university of defense technology
li ming, institute of high energy physics, cas
kang chengwei, xi’an jiaotong university
kazuya yamamura, osaka university
program committee:
deng weijie, changchun institute of optics, fine mechanics and physics, cas
dong long, beijing institute of space mechanics & electricity
gao shang, dalian university of technology
li yueming, beijing institute of control engineering
liang fusheng, soochow university
wan songlin, shanghai institute of optics and fine mechanics, cas
wu yongqian, institute of optoelectronic technology, cas
topic secretary:
xue shuai, national university of defense technology
※topic 6:high-efficiency optical precision processing technologies and new methods
this topic intends to reflect the latest developments in ultra-precision optical precision processing of new processes, new technologies and new methods, including but not limited to: ultra-precision machining technology of single point diamond in optical ultra-precision machining technology,magneto-rhelogical finishing technology, ion beam machining technology, numerical control grinding and polishing technology, glass molding technology, the efficient implementation approach, method and process optimization of injection molding technology, and the feasibility of optical manufacturing technology in the optical design process, put forward new processes, new materials, new methods, new ideas and new concepts, realize innovative and efficient advanced manufacturing technology of precision optics, such as complex surfaces, metal optics, hard-machined material optics, and realize the optimization of new processes, new technologies, new methods and technological approaches for efficient precision manufacturing technology, and promote the efficiency and process optimization of optical precision processing technology.
wang xiaokun, changchun institute of optics, fine mechanics and physics, cas
daewook kim, university of arizona
wu rengmao, zhejiang university
xue changxi, changchun university of science and technology
yu qinghua, shanghai institute of technical physics of cas
program committee:
bai yang, changchun institute of optics, fine mechanics and physics, cas
ma donglin, huazhong university of science and technology
mao xianglong, xi'an institute of optics and precision mechanics, cas
yunfeng nie, vrije universiteit brussel
shi feng, national university of defense technology
sun guoyan, xi'an institute of optics and precision mechanics, cas
xing yintian, the hong kong polytechnic university
yang xiaofei, soochow university
yang tong, beijing institute of technology
topic secretary:
yang chao, changchun university of science and technology
※topic 7:high-performance optical microstructure manufacturing process and equipments
this topic intends to reflect the latest progress in high-performance optical microstructure manufacturing process and equipments, including but not limited to: high-performance optical microstructure ultra-precision processing technology for optical microarray structures with size characteristics of tens to hundreds of microns, high-performance optical microstructure conformal polishing technology, optical microstructure efficient and ultra-low damage processing technology, optical microstructure rapid and high-precision integrated in-situ detection technology, microstructure optical component performance evaluation technology, large-scale microstructure, high-precision rapid manufacturing technology, etc.
guo jiang, dalian university of technology
wang chunjin, the hong kong polytechnic university
zhu wule, zhejiang university
program committee:
hou xi, institute of optoelectronic technology, cas
tong, zhen, university of huddersfield
tian yebing, shandong university of technology
wang zhenzhong, xiamen university
yu nan, university of edinburgh
zhu wule, zhejiang university
topic secretary:
li linguang, dalian university of technology
※topic 8: advanced technology and equipment of optical coatings
this topic intends to reflect the latest developments in optical coating materials, design, preparation and characterization technologies and the applications results of major projects. the focus includes but not limited to: new optical coating materials covering the optical spectrum from x-ray to far-infrared, and nanostructure coating materials; high-performance optical coating design and manufacturing technology represented by x-ray, laser and infrared typical optical spectrum, multi-functional surface film design and manufacturing technology, multifunctional optical coating design and manufacturing technology (light, heat, force, electricity); characterization technology of optical coatings for application requirements, such as ultra-wide spectrum optical constant characterization technology, low loss optical coating performance testing technology, special environmental optical coating performance evaluation and testing methods, etc.; latest progress of optical coating manufacturing equipment and testing instruments, etc.
liu huasong, tianjin jinhang institute of technical physics
cheng xinbin, tongji university
sven schroder, iof franhofer, germany
program committee:
fu xiuhua, changchun university of science and technology
he wenyan, institute of optics and electronics, cas
shao yuchuan, shanghai institute of optics and fine mechanics, cas
shen weidong, zhejiang university
wang xiaoyi, changchun institute of optics, fine mechanics and physics, cas
wang yang, guangchi technology (shanghai) co., ltd
wei yaowei, laser fusion research center
topic secretary:
wang lishuan, tianjin jinhang institute of technical physics
※topic 9:optical design, assembly and system modeling technology
this topic intends to reflect the latest research development of optical design, assembly and system integration test, digitization and systematic engineering simulation in optical field, the focus includes but not limited to: new optical systems, new spectral imagers, new precision metrology and laser measurement instruments, aerospace optical remote sensing systems, laser detection and lidar products and other optical design and simulation, optical stray light simulation and suppression design, optical system installation and performance evaluation technology, complex optical system installation and testing technology, spatial complex focal plane splicing and registration testing technology internal orientation element and distortion testing technology, stress-free gluing and stress-free assembly technology; model-driven optical system engineering, engineering basic database, core theory and algorithm model, virtual manufacturing system, digital twinning technology, optical modeling and accuracy analysis, optical software system engineering, complex optical system algorithm optimization scheme, optical manufacturing equipment test and control system, optical system performance analysis and application evaluation, etc.
zhang jiyou, zhejiang dali technology co., ltd
ji shijun, jilin university
ma zhen, xi'an institute of optics and precision mechanics, cas
program committee:
cai jun, innolite ultra precision (shanghai) co.,ltd.
fan cheng, soochow university
han yanjun, southwest jiaotong university
li xinyao, shanghai institute of technical physics, cas
you fangyi, huaqiao university
wang dongjie, beijing institute of space mechanics & electricity
zhao jun, zhejiang university of technology
gu tianqi, fuzhou university
dawei tang, university of huddersfield, uk
topic secretary:
zhang wang, jilin university
※topic 10: manufacturing and applications of optofluidic chip and liquid crystal optics
this topic intends to reflect the latest developments in manufacturing and applications of optofluidic chip and liquid crystal optics, the focus includes but not limited to: discussing the research progress of using microfluidic technology and liquid crystal technology to manufacture various optical components, and using research progress on the preparation of microfluidic chips with different optical manufacturing technologies. analyze the characteristics and advantages of optical flow control components and liquid crystal liquid crystal, and demonstrate the application of optical flow control technology in optical inspection, biomedicine, chemical analysis, and real-time inspection. it aims to use these new technologies to provide better solutions for the next generation of precision optical systems such as biochemical analysis, medical testing, and environmental monitoring.
zhang dawei, university of shanghai for science and technology
francis lin, university of manitoba, canada
yang yi, wuhan university
zhang xuming, the hong kong polytechnic university
zheng zhigang, east china university of science and technology
program committee:
gong yuan, university of electronic science and technology of china
hu wei, nanjing university
liu yanjun, southern university of science and technology
mu quanquan, changchun institute of optics, fine mechanics and physics, cas
shui lingling, south china normal university
wang guanghui, nanjing university
wu jiandong, shenzhen institute of advanced technology, cas
topic secretary:
wang qi, university of shanghai for science and technology
※topic x: flexible photoelectric materials and intelligent sensing
this topic intends to reflect the latest development of manufacturing and application of flexible photoelectric sensor, focusing on including but not limited to: laser processing of flexible surface components, laser-induced graphene(lig) sensor, manufacturing and integration of flexible sensing components, testing and development of flexible photoelectric, pressure and other sensing components; flexible sensor applications for active health monitoring; an ubiquitous health monitoring unmanned system based on flexible sensors.
zang jianfeng, huazhong university of science and technology
guo chuanfei, southern university of science and technology
lei wei, nanyang technological university
zhang xi, shenzhen university
program committee:
li hui, shenzhen university
lin qijing, xi'an jiaotong university
xie yingxi, south china university of technology
xu kaichen, zhejiang university
zhang xiaohui, xi'an jiaotong university
topic secretary:
wen bo, shenzhen university
※topic y: intelligent industrial vision inspection and equipment
this topic intends to reflect the latest advances in intelligent industrial vision inspection and equipment,including but not limited to: imaging technology, optical inspection technology, multi-modal vision sensor,and high-dimensional vision sensor;image processing, computer vision,and deep learning for industrial applications; intelligent inspection system with cloud-edge-device collaboration, intelligent inspection system with human-machine collaboration, and intelligent inspection system capable of self-learning; wafer inspection equipment, free-form optical surface inspection equipment, micro- and nano- optical device inspection equipment, and lithium battery inspection equipment etc.
tian yibin, shenzhen university
liu dong, zhejiang university
liu cheng, shanghai institute of optics and fine mechanics, cas
zhimin shi, meta reality labs,us
wang qian, huawei advanced manufacturing lab
program committee:
li chen, crrc zhuzhou institute co., ltd
bo mu, ominivision
wang xingzheng, shenzhen university
zeng zhi, chongqing normal university
zhang jianguo, southern university of science and technology
topic secretary:
yu sai, huawei advanced manufacturing lab
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※plenary speakers:
alexander slocum, massachusetts institute of technology, usa——rapid efficient design of next generation high precision machines
liangchi zhang, southern university of science and technology, china——high-precision manufacturing of functional optical lenses and a on the possible damage-free fabrication of kdp optical crystal surfaces
benny c.f. cheung, the hong kong polytechnic university, hong kong, china——ultra-precision machining technology with applications in optometry industry
tang yong, shenzhen university——high-performance manufacturing of functional structures of semiconductor optoelectronic devices
wang xiaoyong, beijing institute of space mechanics & electricity, china——ultra precision machining technology for aerospace optical components
※topic 1:large optical mirror and telescope technology
guoyu yu, university of huddersfield——ultra-precision manufacturing: from aspherical to ture freeform surfaces keynote
li longxiang, changchun institute of optics, fine mechanics and physics,cas——optical manufacturing technology based on robot invited
e kewei, xi'an institute of optics and precision mechanics, cas——optical testing activities for aims solar telescope invited
jiao changjun, cas nanjing astronomical instruments co.,ltd——digital manufacturing technology for large-aperture optical systems invited
cheng shaoyuan, beijing institute of space mechanics & electricity——tbd invited
wang liang, nanjing institute of astronomical optics & technology,cas——chorus-a high-resolution ultra-stable spectrograph for spanish gtc telescope invited
yang qiujie, shanghai institute of technical physics,cas——image and spectrum cooperative detection technology and application invited
※topic 2:micro-nanostructure optics and manufacturing technologies
duan huigao, hunan university——tbd keynote
xiong wei, huazhong university of science and technology——tbd invited
wang wenjun, xi’an jiaotong university——tbd invited
fang yurui, dalian university of technology——tbd invited
shi liping, xidian university——tbd invited
xin chen, the chinese university of hong kong——tbd
wei heming, shanghai university——inverse design and two-photon polymeriztion microfabrication of micro- and nano photonic devices
gao hui, huazhong university of science and technology——tbd
ji ran, qingdao germanlitho co., ltd.——application and prospect of nanoimprint lithography technology
※topic 3: ultra-precision machining technology for optical complex surfaces and functional structures
zhao qingliang, harbin institute of technology——ultra-precision grinding of high-aspect-ratio optical compo
huang qiushi, tongji university——high precision manufacture and metrology of grazing incidence x-ray mirrors keynote
zong wenjun, harbin institute of technology——a modified diamond micro chiseling method for machining retroreflective microstructure mold on nickel phosphorus alloy invited
yao yongsheng, xi'an institute of optics and precision mechanics cas——multi-robot collaborative processing of large aperture aspheric mirror invited
sun guoyan, xi'an institute of optics and precision mechanics cas——hybrid-processing technology of laser and grinding for hard and brittle optical components invited
zhang quanli, nanjing university of aeronautics and astronautics——pulse laser ablation mechanism and fabrication of diamond surface micro-structures invited
xiao huapan, the hong kong polytechnic university——subsurface damage prediction model and its application for abrasive machining of brittle optical materials invited
ye xin, research center of laser fusion caep——nanofabrication technology of sub-wavelength structure on optical component surfaces invited
lenny yip, the hong kong polytechnic university——magnetic field assisted ultra-precision machining for titanium alloys
li changsheng, xi’an jiaotong university——fabrication of diamond micro-grinding tools using multi-energy field and grinding of micro-structured optical elements
jiang xiangmin, xi'an institute of optics and precision mechanics cas——research on ultra-smooth polishing process of optical surface based on hydrodynamic polishing
zhang yun, institute of optics and electronics, cas——the full frequency band error control technologies of large departure aspherics
yang gao, shenzhen university——forming mechanism of glass micro/nanostructures in hot embossing and the shape control
wang jinyu, chongqing institute of green and intelligent technology, cas——自由曲面光学元件非接触在位测量与误差补偿系统
※topic 4:ultra-precision optical measurement technology and equipment
feng gao, university of huddersfield——tbd keynote
zhang zonghua, hebei university of technology——aided imaging phase measuring deflectometry based on concave mirror focusing keynote
hu yao, beijing institute of technolgoy——measurement technology for large aspect-ratio micro-nano structure with large field of view invited
yang chen,zju-hangzhou global scientific and technological innovation center——high-speed atomic force microscopy: instrumentation and applications invited
shi yushu, national institute of metrology of china——national traceability and transmission system for micro/nano geometric values invited
zhu jinlong, huazhong university of science and technology——the underlying physics in optical patterned wafer defect inspection at advanced nodes invited
zhao chenyang, harbin institute of technology(shenzhen)——tbd invited
quan haiyang, institute of optics and electronics, cas——absolute wavefront test of high rosolution optics and uncertainty evaluation invited
hu chunguang, depth measurement of high aspect ratio micro structures using interferometric spectroscopy invited
※topic 5:high-performance manufacturing technology for short-wavelength optical components
dong xiaohao, shanghai advanced research institute(sari), chinese academic sciences(cas)——optics for the beamlines of the shine (shanghai high repetition rate xfel and extreme light facility) keynote
li yueming, beijing institute of control engineering——ultra-precision manufacturing technologies and applications of grazing incidence focused x-ray optics keynote
hu haixiang, changchun institute of optics, fine mechanics and physics, chinese academy of sciences——spatial frequency response issues in picometer-precision advanced manufacturing technology invited
sun rongyan, osaka university——damage-free figuring of reaction-sintered silicon carbide by plasma chemical vaporization machining invited
li ming/liu fang, institute of high energy physics,cas——北京新一代同步辐射光学技术挑战和应对进展 invited
wan songlin, shanghai institute of optics and fine mechanics, chinese academy of sciences——面向短波长光学元件的机器人超精密制造技术 invited
xue shuai, national university of defense technology——research progress on fabrication and test technology ofsub-microradians accuracy for x-ray reflectors invited
yang xu, xi'an jiaotong university——lurryless electrochemical mechanical polishing of single-crystal silicon carbide
li zhen, southern university of science and technology——on the deformation mechanisms of monocrystalline silicon under nano-surfacing
※topic 6:high-efficiency optical precision processing technologies and new methods
guo bing, harbin institute of technology——the robotic rotation revolution belt grinding technology for optics on hard-brittle materials keynote
ma yaoguang, zhejiang university——optical spectra shaping in optical micro/nano fiber systems keynote
liu quan, zhejiang sunny optics co. ltd.——application of aspheric surface testing techniques in the production of consumer optical lenses invited
cheng qiang, changchun institute of optics, fine mechanics and physics, cas——complex optical surfaces testing and alignment based on computer generated hologram invited
liu guogan, shanghai modern advanced ultra-precision engineering company——study on cordierite polishing technology invited
wang jinhu, zhejiang university of technology——high-efficiency and precision polishing method based on shear rheological effect and its application invited
tan zhongqi, national university of defense technology——research on low-damage polishing technology of sub-nanometer roughness diamond surface invited
wu zhonghua, nanjing institute of astronomical optics & technology, national astronomical observatories, cas——key technologies of off-axis aspherical surface with fast focal ratio and extremely large asphericity invited
yunfeng nie, vrije universiteit brussel——freeform optical system design based on unsupervised learning invited
※topic 7:high-performance optical microstructure manufacturing process and equipments
guo jiang, dalian university of technology——微细结构元件制造技术及其应用 keynote
li kenan, state key laboratory of superabrasives, zhengzhou research institute for abrasives & grinding co. ltd, china——功能微结构精密磨削用金刚石仿形磨具关键技术与应用 keynote
yao peng, shandong university——tool path planning and profile error compensation in ultra-precision machining of micro lens array invited
tian yebing, shandong university of technology——难加工材料“高剪低压”磨削技术研究进展 invited
cai xiaojiang, shanghai aerospace control technology institute——microstructure ultra-precision machining technology for high-performance optoelectronic payloads invited
wang chunjin, the hong kong polytechnic university——maskless fluid jet polishing of functional structured surfaces invited
deng hui, southern university of science and technology——基于等离子体原子迁移原理的微透镜阵列调形制造技术
zhang jianguo, huazhong university of science and technology——椭圆振动金刚石微细切削技术研究
lu yanjun, shenzhen university——微结构精密磨削技术及其应用研究
※topic 8: advanced technology and equipment of optical coatings
li gang, dalian institute of chemical physics, cas——recent progress on high quality optical components applied in high power laser keynote
zhang jinlong, tongji university——monitoring technology for deposition of optical coatings keynote
yang lei, harbin institude of technology——preparation and applications of infrared transparent conductive films invited
wang yanzhi, shanghai institute of optics and fine mechanics, cas——study on performance of broadband high damage threshold laser coatings invited
chen jian, zc optoelectronic technologies, ltd——photothermal characterization of absorption properties for duv optics invited
wang yanchao, changchun institute of optics, fine mechanics and physics, cas——research on the large aperture high reflective film based on motion magnetron sputtering deposition invited
luo zhenfei, laser fusion research center, caep——enhanced aluminum-based lyman-ultraviolet reflective coatings prepared by e-beam evaporation invited
ai wanjun, institute of optics and electronics, cas——deposition technology of high-quality large size coatings
lin zhaowen, zhongshan institute of changchun university of science and technology——the reach of high gradient uv filter
zhang fei, laser fusion research center, caep——study on low absorption coating of visible and infrared multispectral band optical windows
※topic 9:optical design, assembly and system modeling technology
peng yunfeng, xiamen university——tbd keynote
you fangyi, huaqiao university——ajdjusting the digital model of laser claddding process by measuring the temperature field keynote
huang yang, beijing institute of space mechanics & electricity——a residual wavefront aberrations correction technology for refractive lenses invited
liu yanli, beijing institute of space mechanics & electricity——全谱段计算光谱成像系统设计与装调技术 invited
dawei tang, university of huddersfield, uk——in-line optical surface metrology for advanced manufacturing invited
wu yongjian, beijing institute of space mechanics & electricity——tbd invited
gu tianqi, fuzhou university——the evaluation methods of topography parameters of complex surface
fan cheng, soochow university——material removal mechanism in and experiments of electrorheological polishing of foldable intraocular lenses at low temperatures
han yanjun, southwest jiaotong university——新型脉动气射流掩膜制备微结构表面完整性研究
※topic 10: manufacturing and applications of optofluidic chip and liquid crystal optics
yang yi, wuhan university——research on optofluidic chips in biomedical sensing detection invited
dai bo, university of shanghai for science and technology——microfluidics assisted 3d printing technique for fabricating compound eye invited
zheng zhigang, east china university of science and technology——tbd invited
zhao rui, nanjing university of posts and telecommunications——electrowetting-based droplet manipulation technology and its application in optofluidic devices invited
zhao haitao, northwestern polytechnical university——critical-locked mechanical metamaterials for hypersensitive biomolecule detection invited
ai ye, singapore university of technology and design——tbd invited
shao liyang, southern university of science and technology——intelligent fiber optic integrated sensing and communication technology and application invited
※topic x: flexible photoelectric materials and intelligent sensing
lei wei, nanyang technological university——advanced intelligent fibers keynote
guo chuanfei, southern university of science and technology——highly sensitive flexible pressure senors for biomedical applications and robotics keynote
zang jianfeng, research institute of huazhong university of science and technology in shenzhen——magnetic soft robots for biomedical applications invited
zhang chi, beijing institute of nanoenergy and nanosystems,cas——tribotronics for intelligent bionic tactile sensing invited
lin qijing, xi’an jiaotong university——high temperature resistant optical fiber sensors and their applications invited
zhang xiaohui, xi’an jiaotong university——magnetic-based flexible strain sensors for human health monitoring invited
li guoqiang, southwest university of science and technology——femtosecond laser micro nano fabrication of biomimetic functional surfaces
xie yingxi, south china university of technology——laser-induced biomimetic structure graphene flexible sensors
li hui, shenzhen university——research on printing technology for triboelectric sensor
zhang xi, shenzhen university——a health monitoring system based on carbon nanofilm sensors
wen bo, shenzhen university——deep learning-enabled acoustic sensor
※topic y: intelligent industrial vision inspection and equipment
li bing, xi’an jiaotong university——industrial visual inspection: sparse inpainting network for anomaly detection and localization keynote
li chen, crrc zhuzhou institue co., ltd.——research about bottom-of-train fault detection method based on diffusion model invited
liu dong, zhejiang university——defect detection for large optical components invited
qu yanyun, xiamen university——大规模2d/3d图像语义分割 invited
li xinghui, tsinghua university——领域自适应迁移学习赋能工业缺陷检测 invited
yu sai, huawei advanced manufacturing lab——先进制造视觉检测/测量需求与挑战invited
chinese society for optical engineering (csoe)
shenzhen university
shenzhen university of technology
southern university of science and technology
shanghai university of technology
state key laboratory of ultra-precision machining technology, the hong kong polytechnic university
shanghai engineering research center of ultra-precision optical manufacturing, fudan university
advanced optical manufacturing youth expert committee, csoe
guangdong university of technology
national university of defense technology
harbin institute of technology (shenzhen)
beijing institute of space mechanics & electricity
tianjin jinhang technical physics institute
shenzhen polytechnic
support units:
leading optics
changchun changguang daqi technology co,. ltd
stella international corp ltd
taylor hobson limited
zygo corporation
dalian shenghang kexing technology development co., ltd.
pulse-tech (beijing) technology co., ltd.
shanghai desioptoe co., ltd.
shanghai verde instrument technology co.,ltd
qm optoelectronic intelligent technology(suzhou) co.,ltd.
qingdao germanlitho co., ltd.
wuhan red star yang technology co.,ltd
guangdong kingding optical technology co.,ltd
mdpi-academic open access publishing since 1996
ametek precitech inc
langxin optics co., ltd.
z&z optoelectronics tech. co., ltd
honorary chairs:

fan dianyuan, academician, shenzhen university

zhuang songlin, academician, university of shanghai for scienceand technology

jiang zhuangde, academician, xi’an jiaotong university

guo dongming, academician, dalian university of technology

tan jiubin, academician, harbin institute of technology

mao junfa, academician, shenzhen university

paul shore , academician of the royal academy of engineering, loxham
executive chairs:
zhang xueji, shenzhen university
yao yingxue, harbin institute of technology (shenzhen)
zhang xuejun, changchun institute of optics, fine mechanics and physics, cas
wang xiaoyong, beijing institute of space mechanics & electricity
dai yifan, national university of defense technology
tpc chairs:
benny chi fai cheung,hong kong polytechnic university
wu zongze, shenzhen university
chenliang-chia, national university of taiwan, china
chenshih chi, chinese university of hong kong, china
chen,wei-jun, zeiss group, germany
fang fengzhou, tianjin university
huang han, university of queensland,australia
xichun luo, university of strathclyde, uk
daewook kim, university of arizona, usa
kim seung-woo, korea advanced institute of science and technology, korea
sandy to, hong kong polytechnic university
lei wei, nanyang technological university, singapore
kazuya yamamura, osaka university, japan
saulius juodkazis, swinburne university of technology, australia
ysaom2023 presidium:
kong lingbao, fudan university
zhang dawei, university of shanghai for science and technology
gong feng, shenzhen university
li lihua , shenzhen university of technology
co-chairs(sort alphabetically by family name):
gao ping, institute of optics and electronics, cas
guo jiang, dalian university of technology
ji shijun, jilin university
liu huasong, tianjin jinhang institute of technical physics
peng xiaoqiang, national university of defense technology
peng yunfeng, xiamen university
ren mingjun, shanghai jiao tong university
wang sujuan, guangdong university of technology
wang yonggang, beijing institute of space mechanics & electricity
wei chaoyang, shanghai institute of optics and fine mechanics, cas
xue changxi, changchun university of science and technology
xue donglin, changchun institute of optics, fine mechanics and physics, cas
zhang jiyou, zhejiang dali technology co., ltd
zhang xiaodong, tianjin university
zong wenjun, harbin institute of technology